Monday, September 28, 2009

Podcasting- C. Wilson

Wow. Talk about a relevant topic. The technology teacher asked me about this the other day. He is confident that he and the students can produce the podcasts, he just doesn't know how he is going to make them available. After speaking with him about possible different he might save the podcast in, I think the best way for him to make them available to students and parents is through his school web account. We are going to set up a time for me to show him how to link them internally in his webpage. All teachers have a pretty good bit of space in their webfolders, so as long as he clears them out regularly, space shouldn't be a probelm

Another way that we have solved this problem is with the 4th and 5th grade. Each morning the student watch a podcast with the morning announcements. It is filmed the day before by students. Last year their tech lab parapro and I worked together countless hours to get a file properly saved so that we could upload it to our MediaCAST server(It's very particular. For some reason we have to upload the podcasts, which are Quicktime, under the Flash category or it won't work). Each morning the teachers login and play the announcements. This is the easiest way to show podcasts for several reasons, the main one being that it's internal and doesn't take up all our bandwidth then everyone in the school is showing the announcements. The downside of this is also that it's internal. That means parents, community members, etc cannot watch it from outside the network.

Uploading to the webserver or to the MediaCAST server are the two best options I have found. Please share if I am missing the obvious or easy choice!