Saturday, November 7, 2009

Free and Awesome: Georgia Public Broadcasting

Me, the longtime PBS fan.
I love The American Experience series, Nova and Antiques Roadshow. I have a lot of admiration for Bill Moyers, ever since The Power of Myth series, and his fight for the regular citizen. The kid's programming is wonderful... my personal favorite: Clifford the Big Red Dog.

So what else, besides this great TV programming, does PBS have to offer? Wow, you can only imagine! Georgia Public Broadcasting's great website,, has information about it's many programs and in many cases the ability to download and view them from the site. Go to the education section and be taken to "GPB Knowledge" the new channel with an assortment of educational content such as NOVA and History Detectives. The Programs: Kids section has information and links to most of the show's own websites with interactive games and other ideas. Checkout the Edu+ category and find GED Connection, take the Road Trip around Georgia's technical colleges, get motivated by Dr. Wayne Dyer, download the series Art of the Western World. or watch inspiring Graduation Stories. You can also listen to shows from Public Broadcasting Radio or find out about local news and programming.

English Lit refresher, anyone?
Teacher resources linked from GPB include very interesting professional and personal development videos such as Literary Visions: "A video instructional series on literary analysis for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 26 half-hour video programs and coordinated books... Illuminating excerpts of short fiction, poetry, plays, and essays — both classic and contemporary — highlight standard literary forms and devices including plot, myth, setting, and character."

Of course, we all know something about GPB Education Streaming, or Discovery Education Streaming. Tens of thousands of videos and clips on every topic are available here for watching or downloading. Training and how-to guides on the site make it easier than ever to learn to use this classroom streaming service. DES has their own "Community" for teachers with a blog, forums and discussions so we can all share and learn from each other.

Here's another little known offering by DES. Training Webinars. One being offered this Tuesday: A Tangled Web of Content Untangled for Educators. "During this session we'll explore the web to find safe source material and interactive web 2.0 sites that you can use to engage your students. We'll also examine different ways in which you can marry this new found content together with the content you already have access to within Discovery Education Streaming." It only lasts one hour and sounds really useful.

Spend an hour or two on GPB and it's sister Discovery Streaming, and you will leave with a hundred ideas for using video and the internet in lessons.


  1. You are exactly right, you will find a hundred or more ideas by visiting the GPB and Discovery Streaming websites. These websites are wonderful tools to use in the classroom. Just by reading your post I learned about even more offerings from the GPB website. The webinar that you mentioned sounds like it would be a good hour spent learning about safe interactive web 2.0 sites to use with students. I definitely plan on spending more time exploring this site to find more ideas and ways that I can use it in the classroom. I will also have to check out that webinar!

  2. Dawn,
    Thanks for this post. It was very informative. I have never really explored much of the gpb site besides Untied Streaming (which I am a huge fan of). I learned so much from you post. For example, the webinars sound very interesting and helpful. I'll have to check those out. The Literary Visions section of the website sounds interesting also.

  3. I have always been a big fan of Georgia Public Broadcasting. Even before they ever had a website, I spent countless hours watching their programming. Now that I have discovered their great website, I probably visit GPB on the web more than I view their programming on TV. I would have to say that the online resource that I utilize most frequently is GPB Education Streaming, or Discovery Education Streaming. I often find that any time I am stuck without a visual learner component of a lesson that I can always count on finding a video clip through DES. It is such an amazing free resource that unfortunately is underused in my opinion. That said, I have to admit that I was completely unaware of the Training Webinars component of DES. I look forward to exploring this resource further and I am seriously considering attending the Training Webinar being offered this Tuesday. It sounds very interesting and informative.

  4. Wow! Thanks Dawn! Your post opened my eyes to the vast amount of information that GPB and United Streaming offers. I thought I knew about most of the resources GPB offers---but oh was I wrong!! The "Webinars", "Literary Visions", and "English Lit. Refreshers" were new tools to me. I am definitely excited to check out these aspects of GPB and United Streaming. Thanks for the insightful and informative post. I am going to take the time to look at all these resources that you mentioned in your blog. Thanks!
    Tammy :)
