Sunday, October 18, 2009

Media Center Webpages

The county I work for uses "School Wires" for their webpages. This program allows teachers to create pages for thier classes, clubs, & organizations from the school's main page. All pages have similar formats, but the content can be as simple or complex as the creator wants. School Wires offers blogs, surveys, photo slide shows, links, calendars, even offering a simple way to upload podcasts, allowing users to implement Web 2.0 technologies. By having an interactive, up-to-date website a media specialist can create a buzz about the programs in the media center.

The website is available when the media center is not and should be a tool students can use when conducting research from home. Media Specialists can upload pathfinders for both teachers and students, pointing to helpful websites for unit building or research. A blog that students can respond to, interest surveys for collection management, a calendar of events, and informational podcasts can help extend the media center beyond the school's walls.


  1. What a cool little tool your county uses. I checked out their website, products and services online. It sounds like a really easy way to get all school staff involved and on-line. It also sounds like it takes away the technology difficulties that many of us have with creating wesites and web pages ourselves. I bet your county has many teachers with their information on School Wire. Do you know how cost effective it is?

  2. I have never heard of School Wires. Sounds like a great way for teachers to set up their web pages. We have a template format for websites that is similar to what your county has adoped. It is a very simple format and basically allows teachers/ media specialists to enter text and upload files as attachments. One disadvantage of this format is that you cannot manipulate the style, colors, images, etc of the website if you are into getting creative with web design. The most important thing about the media center webpage is that the information is helpful and utilized by parents, students, and even the community.
