Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hello, all!
Well, the nuts and bolts of high tech podcasting is only just beginning to make sense to me. What a great tool it will be as a media specialist, though! A math teacher not so much. (Anyone care to download the latest podcast on the quadratic formula? Grab your popcorn!) But this weekend I did run into what seems like a very useful website with free membership for teachers. It's called Animoto. Have any of you heard of it or used it? You upload your pictures or short video clips, you upload your music, and Animoto puts it all together for you with neat fades. You can also add text when and where you want it. If you don't like the way it comes out, you ask for a "remix" and it does it differently. I signed up for a membership yesterday but they have to approve me before I can actually use it. I am anxiously awaiting being able to play with it! You can check out some samples here... OK, and maybe I was wrong, because I see a pretty good one on function notation on there! I'll add an update to this after I try it in the next few days.


  1. Dr. Putney, Dr. Snipes and I did a short presentation at COMO on Animoto. It is a good tool, because of the ease with which one can get a pretty nice finished product.
    How would you use it in podcasting?

  2. Dawn, I am excited to hear how Animoto works for you. This is the first I have heard of it, but it sounds pretty amazing. I teach math also and it is sometimes quite difficult to make new concepts interesting for students. The thought of being able to put math theories to music and with pictures, is particularly exciting when I consider my special education math classes. I sometimes feel like I could stand on my ear and they still wouldn’t notice, but anything involving music seems to capture even the most challenging student. Thanks for sharing this site!
