Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wiki- C. Wilson

Wikis could be used several ways to help the school run a little bit smoother. For the media center it would be nice to put up a calendar and let people sign up by editing the page. That way everyone knows (in real time) if and when the media center is available. That would be easier than having them call or walk down to sign up. It could also be used to have students review or write up summaries on books. That would be a neat way to use it. Then others could get recommendations from fellow students.

From the example sites that I looked at, I really couldn't tell that anyone used them for their "wiki" capabilities. They looked more like regular webpages to me. I guess that editing a wiki is easier than using Nightmare-weaver, I mean Dreamweaver. Anyway, I really didn't see where many people used them for their cooperative learning benefits.

Another point that needs to be made is that wikis are often blocked in schools. Teachers and media specialists will have to "prove" that the wiki will have educational value.

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea about using a wiki for a media center tool. I agree that what makes wikis so great is their ease of use. I do not consider myself to be a techno savvy person, and I have really enjoyed posting our blog on the class wiki.

    I do know that wikis are often blocked at schools because they are considered social networking tools. They are not allowed at the school system in which I am mentored. I wish that some of the district personnel that consider wikis and other similar technological tools "dangerous" would at least attend a conference to educate themselves about their benefits.
